• Waiters, Waitresses and Food and Beverage Host/Hostesses in the Italian restaurants of Epcot Center – Florida: Tutto Italia & Via Napoli (scadenza: prima possible)
• Merchandise Host & Hostess in the Italian Pavilion of Epcot Center – Florida (scadenza: prima possible)
I moduli di candidatura (obbligatori!) sono inwww.provincia.milano.it/lavoro/Orientamento/eures_offerte.html.
Per altre informazioni scrivere a eures@provincia.milano.it indicando in oggetto World Disney da scambieuropei.com
Per altre informazioni scrivere a eures@provincia.milano.it indicando in oggetto World Disney da scambieuropei.com
Le offerte complete si possono leggere qui sotto:
Rif. EURES Summer Job 2011
Jobs: Food & Beverage, Merchandise, Custodial, Lifeguards, Recreation, Character
Workplace: Orlando Florisa USA
Work posts: 40
Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney
World®Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, U.S.A.!
Now you can make the dream a reality by becoming a part of the Walt Disney World International
Program. This opportunity can open many doors, offer many possibilities, and provide an extremely
Professional atmosphere to grow. Plus, you’ll have an unforgettable time along the way!
Walt Disney World (Orlando – Florida) is looking for individuals to work from
May or June to August 2011.
• You must currently be enrolled in an accredited two/three/four year University, College or
institute, and be between academic years during your school’s summer vacation. You cannot
apply if you are graduating. Minimum age is 18.
• Program Dates: May 31st to August 19th, 2011,
June 19th to September 2nd, 2011.
You must be available for the entire duration of the program so please make sure that one of the
program dates mentioned above suits to your summer break schedule before applying.
If you have exams or classes during the program, your application will not be considered.
Note that this experience is a Summer Work and not an internship.
Before applying, please make sure with your school that you can participate in this Work program during
your summer break. (Walt Disney World will not provide any Internship agreement)
• Jobs: Food & Beverage, Merchandise, Custodial, Lifeguards, Recreation, Character…
• Pay rate: Minimum $7.25 per hour. Minimum of 30 hours per week is guaranteed and you will also
be required to work overtime.
• Insurance: You are required to provide your own health insurance for the duration of the
• Transportation: You are responsible for the costs of your round—trip flight to Orlando.
• Housing: Is provided by the Walt Disney World Co. at a cost of $82 – $108 per week. Bedrooms are
shared by two people. Transportation to and from work locations and housing complexes is
provided by the Walt Disney World Co.
• Visa: The J-1 visa is paid (800$) and provided by Walt Disney World. You will be required to pay a
fee of 200 Euro at the US Embassy. You must have a valid passport when you apply in order to
be eligible for the program.
For more information: www.internationalservices.fr
To apply for this job, you must send the appropriate form and photos before December 15th to
jobs@internationalservices.fr and, for information, to eures@provincia.milano.it .
The selections will be organized in Paris in January 2011 for departures in May/June 2011.
The candidate are responsible for all the travel expenses.
You can find the Walt Disney World application form on the website of Provincia di Milano
Rif. EURES Italy Merchandise 2011
Merchandise Host & Hostess Positions in the Italian Shop of Epcot Center
Workplace: Orlando Florida USA
Work posts: 30
Represent your culture by working One Year in a typican Italian Shop
Positions are currently available for Merchandise Host & Hostess in the Italian Pavilion of Epcot Center –
Florida (U.S.A)!!!
Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney World Resort near
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. during 12 Months!
Merchandise Host & Hostess Positions in the Italian Shop of Epcot Center!
As a Merchandise Cast Member with the International Program at the Walt Disney World Resort, participants
can travel to the United States and represent their country, culture and heritage to Guests from around
the world while gaining Professional Experience in a typical italian shop!!
This position may be indoors or outdoors. Heavy volume and high guest contact are key elements of this
To qualify for the International Program as a Merchandise Cast Member, you must:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Be willing to live in the US for 12 months
• Have good conversational English
• Be outgoing, enthusiastic and flexible
Interviews will be held in Milan in February for departures between June and December 2011!!
For more information please visit our websites : www.disneyinternationalprograms.com &
If you are interested please send your complete application (CV + Photo) in English as soon as possible
to: http://www.provincia.milano.it/lavoro/Orientamento/eures_offerte.html
(è obbligatorio compilare il modulo richiesto dall’azienda chi non invia il modello compilato, la
candidatura non verrà presa in considerazione)
email : wdw@internationalservices.fr and cc: eures@provincia.milano.it indicando in oggetto World Disney da scambieuropei.com o al Fax : +332 97 84 04 22
Quote “Italy Merchandise 2011” in the subject line of your email!
Please note that only CVs in ENGLISH will be considered
Rif. EURES Italy F&B 11
Food and Beverage Cast Member
Workplace: Orlando Florida USA
Work posts: 80
Work in “Tutto Italia” and “Via Napoli”, typical Italian Restaurant located in Florida, U.S.A !!!
Positions are currently available for Waiters, Waitresses and Food and Beverage Host/Hostesses in the
Italian restaurants of Epcot Center – Florida (U.S.A): Tutto Italia & Via Napoli!!!
Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney World Resort near
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. during 12 Months!
As a Food and Beverage Cast Member with the International Program at the Walt Disney World Resort,
participants can travel to the United States and represent their country, culture and heritage to Guests
from around the world while gaining Food and Beverage Experience working in a typical Italian
restaurant: either Via Napoli or Tutto Italia Ristorante, part of the Patina Restaurant Group!
This position may be indoors or outdoors. Heavy volume and high guest contact are key elements of this
To qualify for the International Program as a Food and Beverage Cast Member, you must:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Be willing to live in the US for 12 months (departures between June and October)
• Have good conversational English
• Be outgoing, enthusiastic and flexible
Interviews will be held in Milan in February for departures between June and October!!!
For more information please visit our websites: www.disneyinternationalprograms.com &
If you are interested please send your complete application (CV + Photo) in English AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE to: email : wdw@internationalservices.fr and cc: eures@provincia.milano.it indicando in oggetto World Disney da scambieuropei.com
The form can also be downloaded on the following link :
(è obbligatorio compilare il modulo richiesto dall’azienda chi non invia il modello compilato, la
candidatura non verrà presa in considerazione)
Quote “Italy F&B 11” in the subject line of your email!
Please note that only CVs in ENGLISH will be considered
Jobs: Food & Beverage, Merchandise, Custodial, Lifeguards, Recreation, Character
Workplace: Orlando Florisa USA
Work posts: 40
Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney
World®Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, U.S.A.!
Now you can make the dream a reality by becoming a part of the Walt Disney World International
Program. This opportunity can open many doors, offer many possibilities, and provide an extremely
Professional atmosphere to grow. Plus, you’ll have an unforgettable time along the way!
Walt Disney World (Orlando – Florida) is looking for individuals to work from
May or June to August 2011.
• You must currently be enrolled in an accredited two/three/four year University, College or
institute, and be between academic years during your school’s summer vacation. You cannot
apply if you are graduating. Minimum age is 18.
• Program Dates: May 31st to August 19th, 2011,
June 19th to September 2nd, 2011.
You must be available for the entire duration of the program so please make sure that one of the
program dates mentioned above suits to your summer break schedule before applying.
If you have exams or classes during the program, your application will not be considered.
Note that this experience is a Summer Work and not an internship.
Before applying, please make sure with your school that you can participate in this Work program during
your summer break. (Walt Disney World will not provide any Internship agreement)
• Jobs: Food & Beverage, Merchandise, Custodial, Lifeguards, Recreation, Character…
• Pay rate: Minimum $7.25 per hour. Minimum of 30 hours per week is guaranteed and you will also
be required to work overtime.
• Insurance: You are required to provide your own health insurance for the duration of the
• Transportation: You are responsible for the costs of your round—trip flight to Orlando.
• Housing: Is provided by the Walt Disney World Co. at a cost of $82 – $108 per week. Bedrooms are
shared by two people. Transportation to and from work locations and housing complexes is
provided by the Walt Disney World Co.
• Visa: The J-1 visa is paid (800$) and provided by Walt Disney World. You will be required to pay a
fee of 200 Euro at the US Embassy. You must have a valid passport when you apply in order to
be eligible for the program.
For more information: www.internationalservices.fr
To apply for this job, you must send the appropriate form and photos before December 15th to
jobs@internationalservices.fr and, for information, to eures@provincia.milano.it .
The selections will be organized in Paris in January 2011 for departures in May/June 2011.
The candidate are responsible for all the travel expenses.
You can find the Walt Disney World application form on the website of Provincia di Milano
Rif. EURES Italy Merchandise 2011
Merchandise Host & Hostess Positions in the Italian Shop of Epcot Center
Workplace: Orlando Florida USA
Work posts: 30
Represent your culture by working One Year in a typican Italian Shop
Positions are currently available for Merchandise Host & Hostess in the Italian Pavilion of Epcot Center –
Florida (U.S.A)!!!
Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney World Resort near
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. during 12 Months!
Merchandise Host & Hostess Positions in the Italian Shop of Epcot Center!
As a Merchandise Cast Member with the International Program at the Walt Disney World Resort, participants
can travel to the United States and represent their country, culture and heritage to Guests from around
the world while gaining Professional Experience in a typical italian shop!!
This position may be indoors or outdoors. Heavy volume and high guest contact are key elements of this
To qualify for the International Program as a Merchandise Cast Member, you must:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Be willing to live in the US for 12 months
• Have good conversational English
• Be outgoing, enthusiastic and flexible
Interviews will be held in Milan in February for departures between June and December 2011!!
For more information please visit our websites : www.disneyinternationalprograms.com &
If you are interested please send your complete application (CV + Photo) in English as soon as possible
to: http://www.provincia.milano.it/lavoro/Orientamento/eures_offerte.html
(è obbligatorio compilare il modulo richiesto dall’azienda chi non invia il modello compilato, la
candidatura non verrà presa in considerazione)
email : wdw@internationalservices.fr and cc: eures@provincia.milano.it indicando in oggetto World Disney da scambieuropei.com o al Fax : +332 97 84 04 22
Quote “Italy Merchandise 2011” in the subject line of your email!
Please note that only CVs in ENGLISH will be considered
Rif. EURES Italy F&B 11
Food and Beverage Cast Member
Workplace: Orlando Florida USA
Work posts: 80
Work in “Tutto Italia” and “Via Napoli”, typical Italian Restaurant located in Florida, U.S.A !!!
Positions are currently available for Waiters, Waitresses and Food and Beverage Host/Hostesses in the
Italian restaurants of Epcot Center – Florida (U.S.A): Tutto Italia & Via Napoli!!!
Imagine the excitement of living, learning, and working at the Walt Disney World Resort near
Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. during 12 Months!
As a Food and Beverage Cast Member with the International Program at the Walt Disney World Resort,
participants can travel to the United States and represent their country, culture and heritage to Guests
from around the world while gaining Food and Beverage Experience working in a typical Italian
restaurant: either Via Napoli or Tutto Italia Ristorante, part of the Patina Restaurant Group!
This position may be indoors or outdoors. Heavy volume and high guest contact are key elements of this
To qualify for the International Program as a Food and Beverage Cast Member, you must:
• Be at least 18 years old
• Be willing to live in the US for 12 months (departures between June and October)
• Have good conversational English
• Be outgoing, enthusiastic and flexible
Interviews will be held in Milan in February for departures between June and October!!!
For more information please visit our websites: www.disneyinternationalprograms.com &
If you are interested please send your complete application (CV + Photo) in English AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE to: email : wdw@internationalservices.fr and cc: eures@provincia.milano.it indicando in oggetto World Disney da scambieuropei.com
The form can also be downloaded on the following link :
(è obbligatorio compilare il modulo richiesto dall’azienda chi non invia il modello compilato, la
candidatura non verrà presa in considerazione)
Quote “Italy F&B 11” in the subject line of your email!
Please note that only CVs in ENGLISH will be considered